Sunday, 13 November 2016

Case Study Jamie Thraves

In this blog I am going to be doing a case study on Jamie Thraves. Jamie Thraves is now a Director who produced short films at university to begin with. Jamie Thraves first started shooting music videos with very low budgets which was startign at £5,000 each video produced so he was very restricted with what he could produce, however he always successfully made it work. Below is a more recent picture of Jamie Thraves who is now 43 years old.

Jamie used award winning short films to get in with a video production company called ' Factory Films' this really helped him start his career. In the directing world the process is a commissioner from a record label sends a track to roughly 5-10 directors which then the Directors go on to send their treatments in which is then selected by the commissioner from who's is best. It is then commissioned to produce the music video. Jamie sent in treatments for his two best video's and luckily both was accepted which was a massive achievement for Jamie.

Jamie Thraves had Directed a variety of music videos such as;

Radio Head - Just 

Jamie had the budget of £100,000 which he successfully shot in three days this was one of the first big music videos that Jamie directed. Which he then went on to make some great music videos stated below. 

James Arthur - Money On My Mind 

Jake bugg - Two Fingers. 

Now Jamie's budgets for producing music videos tend to be around £20,000 a video and takes him around 2 days shooting. He used the advantage of his music videos to get him into the film business where he has now so far filmed three features which is, The Low Down, The Cry Of the Owl and treacle Jr. When gaining advice for music videos Jamie suggests using the lyrics but not going in to literal and in debt he suggests going with the emotions of the lyrics which he states is most important. 

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