The model of the media is a flow chart that analyses how media institutions produce their media products. This then goes onto how these products get to the audience and lastly the audience paying for these products to these institutions, this then makes a cycle repeating.
The model of the media is mostly used by institutions so that they can work out different strategies that they could use. Below is a picture of the model of the media in which i created.
The institute has to produce and distribute their product. Institutes are companies in the media for example as listed above BBC, Netflix, The Big 6, and News companies. It is basically any company that manages to reach out to the public using media text.
The media text is the product made, this can be through TV, Film or video games. These texts can portray all different types of messages to the audience.
Finally the audience is the people who buy and use these media texts, this is normally for entertainment and can use different resources to view them such as game consoles, Netflix or Movies. The audience are the ones who pay for the service and products which is a financial transaction this then gathers the institution to make more money so they can carry on the cycle to make more media texts.
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