In this blog I am going to be discussing the process of choosing our track for our music video.
In my group of me Sarah and Louis we had a few ideas on what type of thing we wanted to do. Sarah had the idea of rock and guitars but me and Louis wanted to do pop. We all decided in the end that pop would be the best idea to make it realistic.
When deciding what track to use we decided we wanted to do a narrative music video so due to this we knew we needed a track in which we could make a realistic story line to, we needed a simple plot in which we could film so it didn't look ridiculous so we thought through a few tracks, when thinking through these tracks we took into consideration not doing a famous artist, the main reason to this is copy right but the bigger reason is we didn't want our music video to look ridiculous and more like a parody rather than a narrative.
We then looked at past music videos in which past media students have produced to go by what kind of music and actions they was going with. We then went online to look up some songs recommended to us on you tube when we came across 'Cool Kids' by Echosmith, We thought the plot would be good to do and have based in a school and chose who would be playing as what roughly, we then extended to what props and costumes would consist in our music video and hair and make up. We was all happy with the track chosen and looked at the music video and see how dull it was and how our ideas for the music video was completely different. Below is the original music video to the song cool kids.
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