Saturday, 25 June 2016

History of the music video

In this post I am going to be discussing the history of music videos mainly focusing on six famous stars Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Elvis, The Beatles,  queen and Micheal Jackson.

To start with the famous artist Bing Crosby. Bing Crosby was an American singer and Actor filled with many talents and successful hits. Crosby sadly died at the age of 74, however he is still living on in the name of music. Crosby was the leader in record sales, radio rantings and even motion picture grosses. Crosby was at his peak in the year of 1948 where he was declared most admired man alive from all his success. He was famously known for his big staring in the film 'White Christmas' which was as close to a pop music video being viewed a number of times you could get to star in a film. This music video which was probably Crosby's biggest biggest hit, which was first released on a radio broadcast on Christmas day in 1941,  The song was so famous that it was then reappeared in his film in 1942 'Holiday Inn' which went crazy on the charts and does every christmas season and to this day when it hits the Christmas season it repeats all over the radio and hits the charts of Christmas songs, it still remains best selling single of all time. Below the song is listed.

I am now going to be discussing Elvis Presley, who unfortunately never got the actual chance to produce a music video, however it didn't stop him from being a massive success but sadly due to this if you really wanted to see Elvis perform and you was a hard core fan you would have to go and see him in concert however sadly if you lived in certain seas like the united kingdom where Elvis never performed the only way to watch him was to get your hands on a record that someone has filmed him live on, this made copies of him performing very popular and everyone went crazy to get their hands on them. unfortunately Elvis died at just age 42. Below is a video of him performing.

The Beatles  the famous boy band the cause of music videos becoming a big thing. The Beatles are an  English well known famous band. The Beatles went on tours as the beatlemania. The tour started in the year 1963 however  it went on for so long it resulted in them not being able to stand touring any longer due to the screaming of the girls as it drove them insane and made it hard for them to perform as they couldn't hear themselves. After they decided to come up with a plan to produce a music video which was 'paper back writer' to make up to their fans for not touring and also in replace of touring so they can still be heard and earning money whilst at it. Below is two different  videos one being their live performance and second of their first music video.As you can see below wasn't the best of music videos and was seen as a bit of a mockery and music videos started of not being seen as a serious thing.  However back then this was amazing and started the generation of pop music videos as after The Beatles did this soon every celebrity wanted to do the same. 

Queen are also an English band however there genre is more focused on rock pop in 1975 queen produced a music video to their song Bohemian Rhapsody this song became a number one hit in charts after the music video was released which proved how much having a music video to a song made the song more popular. This music video was the first to be different to having a band with a couple guitars so in that case it was called a form of art in the pop world and was the first pop video to be taken actually seriously. 


Micheal Jackson who is the king of pop with his famous music video Thriller which was and is probably the biggest music video yet to be produced, Micheal Jackson has been in the life of fame from a young age singing well known songs like ABC it was the most expensive music video to be made, it was so popular that a 20 minute extended version of the music video was realised into cinemas. This was when music videos started to be seen as something just as important as the song itself and not just for promoting the song.

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