Saturday, 24 December 2016

Production meeting 4

In our last meeting we decided we was going to go through ideas of what we could do with the digipak. Our main ideas was during filming we was going to take pictures so that we had images of myself in the same costume and the same setting. Another main idea of ours was in the digipak. This was to have a journal of the uncool girl this was ti get ideas of teenage dramas such as mean girls and the burn book, however we came up with a better idea in which we was inspired by Adele - send my love.

The image shown above was how we developed our idea from, we decided to from this recolour pictures representing my journey through the music video we suggested colours such as blue for being sad, green for jealousy and yellow for happiness and the end to match everything up.

For the advert we are going to try and take some model like style images of Shelby that will look more realistic to a real advert and catch peoples attention. After coming up with many different ideas in this production meeting we decided that we was going to play around with a variety of pictures and see what looks best. 

Friday, 23 December 2016

Production meeting 3

In this meeting we went too different locations in which we could potentially film at we did this so we could picture out how it would look in our music video This was good time management as no time was wasted while filming due to it not being a busy place and gave us more footage for usable scenes. 

We went to to both Romford and lakeside to look around to what would look better. In lakeside we went around to see who would let us film and around where without being told of and ending up on us wasting time, some stores agreed others said no which we had an idea would happen anyway. 

We also looked at both schools to pick every place in which we had a rough idea we wanted to film in our heads and we noticed a small place on the floor next to a dustbin in which we thought would be good as its portraying how my character feels like. This also is a great way to show that I was not popular as its not where someone would sit. 

Here is the picture of us below. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Production meeting 2

In our second production meeting we planned to go on the computers to look at more music videos to get more inspiration. This is because we had filmed some of the music video however we decided in this meeting we needed more footage. We then looked up all our planning documents on the computer and put all our ideas together and this made us come up with new footage we could film and we then thought of other ideas like slow motion.

In this meeting we also discussed that in our next meeting our plans was too go and adventure out for our locations too film at, we also said we will look into planning and talking about our digipak and advert.

Finally we discussed about who will do what roles when we had everything we needed like the footage and pictures and our roles was ;

Louis - Editing the music video editing the rough cut and managing the stuff around the music video.

Sarah- Her job was editing the digipak and advert which also involved sorting all the pictures out and managing just anything around the advert and digipak.

Finally myself - My role was to assist both Louis and Sarah and was to come up with the ideas around the music video and advert and digipak, I gave feedback and recommendations on what to do and change on certain areas. My job was also to go into the footage with Louis and find the best bits possible.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Production Meeting 1

In this blog i'm going to be discussing a production meeting between me and my team Sarah and Louis, In this meeting we finished off planning what we was going to do in our music video. We planned out dates that we was all available due to myself working and Sarah doing some programme our schedules was hard to find available space so we sat down with dates and planned out when to do school scenes and when to do scenes where we needed Lakeside shopping centre. We decided to do the shopping centre scenes on the following sundays and every couple fridays.

We then discussed who would bring what, so we planned Sarah to bring outfits, myself to bring make up and Louis would hold equipment. We then planned out what days we would do certain scenes. We managed this on our time. When discussing certain scenes we did agree on some things and others we disagreed with but this time we planned to not argue and shoot everyones opinions and see what comes out best.

We also debated a few things in this meeting like what shopping centre to use and what school to use. We had Romford shopping centre which was more local so it was easier to get too however it was very small so the space we had wouldn't have looked as well so we ended up choosing lakeside due to the fact it would have made things look cleaner. When deciding wether to film at East brook School or Robert clack we discussed how we would be based in Eastbrook at the time so we thought it would be easier to film their also we knew more areas around the school which we could have filmed in, However we also thought that Robert Clack looked like a better school with their building as East brook is being built on so lots of places was restricted with building work which we didn't want to get in shot so we decided to just film in both and take what footage looks best from both of them.

After we discussed everything in this production meeting we decided times to go with the dates of filming and the meeting went rather successful as everything was now planned out and ready to be shot. Below is a picture of me and my team mates planning in our production meeting.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Costumes and props

Ideas for costumes and props:

Cool kids outfits 

Idea for main character of focus's outfit 

Ideas for props

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Group Members:                 Louis, Sarah, Shelby, Sophie, Amy, Louise, Cherie, and Kelvin.                                                                 Location: Lakeside , Shelby bedroom , Eastbrook.
Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Fall down escalators
Make sure everyone is careful and safe give everyone select steps
Getting robbed
Everyone should be cautious don’t approach strangers stay in sight on CCTV
Car crash
Louis, Sophie, Amy, Shelby, Kelvin.
Make sure the driver is focused and don’t distract them.
Fall down stairs.
Make sure you are careful and go down the stairs safely.


Emergency Service:    999
Robert Clack School:
Other Contacts:           

Monday, 12 December 2016


Below is me and my teams storyboard to our music video. 

Shot list.

Shot List

Shot Number
1. Classroom scene 

2. Singing 

3. pushed over scene 

4. Singing 

5. Shelby and Sarah In Mall 

6. Going to dress up 

7.  Going back to the mall 

8. Shelby Singing 

9.  Classroom scene 









Shelby was writing on the class whiteboard in her unpopular clothes, when the cool kids are all giggling and throw a piece of paper at her head saying looser. She then runs out.

Shelby in her unpopular clothes is singing with a black background and white the song.

Shelby is walking in a classroom when Louis ( The cool kid) walks into her. She then falls on the floor with all her books whilst picking them up.

This then goes back to Shelby singing in her unpopular clothes with a black background

Sarah takes Shelby shopping, to get new cloths and make up to dress her up.

Sarah goes back to Shelby's house where she dressed her up and makes her look good.

Sarah and Shelby go back to the mall looking ' popular ' and bump into the cool kids on the escalator where they all look surprised and shocked.

Shelby is singing in popular clothes outside.

Shelby is writing on the whiteboard looking all glam where the cool kid Louis throws another piece of paper at her but this time saying sorry. Where she then smiles and throws it back in a sarcastic happy way. 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule

Cast +Crew







 School scene. 

Getting ready 




School scene 

Lip syncing 
 East brook 

Shelby's house 

Robert Clack 



Robert clack

Robert Clack 
 Camera and tripod 

Camera, tripod. 

and tripod 



Camera, tripod and lights and dolly.

Dolly, tripod, camera. 
 Shelby unpopular outfit 

Shelbys unpopular outfit, Shelby's cool outfit 

Shelby unpopular clothes 

Shelby and Sarah 
clothes ( un popular clothes)

Cool kids outfits 

Shelby cool kid outfit & unpopular clothes 

Shelby cool kid clothes 

Make up, 
dressing table,

Books, class, 
white board, 

make up. 


White board, classroom

Wall, playground. 
 Shelby, Sarah and Louis 

Shelby, Sarah and Louis 


Shelby Sarah and Louis

Louis, Morgan,Sophie and Amy

Shelby Louis and Extras
